At Earth our mantra, Deep into Nature, is as much about the equipment we use as the places we go. The board and paddle are the tools we use to engage and interact with our surroundings. We feel the same principles that guide us in our daily lives should be applied to the equipment we build and use. EARTH is a new Paddleboard range of products which, wherever possible and feasible, is sourced from environmentally-friendly materials and built according to construction techniques that respect the environment in which they are used. We, at Earth, aim to:
- • Focus on bio-sourced, renewable and/or recycled materials,
- • Produce according to a process that respects sustainable development, limiting waste by minimizing use of fossil fuels, paint & toxic resins,
- • Commit to ongoing research and development to progressively increase the quantity of bio-sourced, sustainable materials and the reduction of waste in the production process.
Unfortunately it is simply not possible today to build a board with zero impact on the environment. For example, at the core of every EARTH board is an EPS (Expanded PolyStyrene) core, as no other feasible alternative exists. However, with EARTH we’ve made the pledge to be better, and to continually develop the range of products so that wherever possible, we will make changes that make a difference.
The current EARTH range features the following materials: Flax fiber, Paulownia wood and Cork. Minimal fiberglass and no varnish or paint is used to built the Earth boards.